Texas Gulf Coast Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy / Liberty & Chambers County Workshop
August 23, 2023
The Houston-Galveston Area Council, in collaboration with the Gulf Coast Economic Development District, is developing a new Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy.
This strategy will:
- Shape the economic growth and development of our region through the next five years.
- Focus on supporting the growth and success of small businesses, education and workforce training providers, and communities.
- Promote diversity and equity.
- Align our region's economic goals
- Establish a detailed action plan, allowing the region to compete for federal funding.
Stakeholder Workshops
We can't do this alone! If you are a:
- Small-business owner looking to expand,
- School and training program administrator connecting students with good, high-paying jobs, or
- Economic development professional in local government,
We want to hear from you! Your ideas and feedback will make our region’s strategy even better.
Register Here for the Liberty & Chambers County Workshop on Tuesday, September 5, 2023, 10 AM - 12 PM at the Lee College Center for Workforce Development