Retail center coming: 146-acre development planned at I-10 & 146
April 30, 2022
Site work is underway for a new retail development at the intersection of Interstate 10 and state Highway 146, across from Chambers Town Center.
Construction of buildings is expected to start in the first quarter of 2023.
Most of the 146-acre site is zoned commercial, though part is zoned for multi-family housing, said Stephen Stone, with KM Realty.
“We’re under contract with a developer who wants to do a multi-family community on approximately 15 acres of land, so approximately 350 units, and we’re also under contract with a grocer for approximately 12 acres of land along 146,” he said. Work started in October on roadways, utilities and detention ponds. That phase will take 10 to 12 months.
The property wraps around existing businesses along Highway 146 close to the interstate and will have internal roads that connect to Highway 146 at the signalized intersection that now serves as an entry to Chambers Town Center.
A north-south road will connect to the Interstate 10 feeder road and to Old Needlepoint Road.
Chambers County has announced plans to widen and improve Old Needlepoint Road, which will be re-named Chambers Parkway, between Highway 146 and FM 3180, improving access between new neighborhoods and the growing shopping area south of Interstate 10 along Highway 146.
In addition to the plan for apartments and grocery store, Stone said he expects site development to include retail, restaurants, medical offices and hotels.
“We’re hoping to be able to incorporate some more sit-down restaurants on our tracts,” he said.
Stone did not identify the grocery store that is planning to locate in the new center.